20 September 2010

Raya 2010-part 2

Let me introduce our new family members~ Danish Farhan and Danial Haikal. My cute lil niece. Owh, wanna chew those cheeks. They became O.K.B*orang kaya baru* dis raya~i only got duit raya from my parent, bro, mok jah, and Hazlan. Haih, at least got la kan, hihi.

Danish Farhan B. Shairil Azrul

Danish on my lap~at aunt's house

Danial haikal with kak yu, his mom


  1. hehe..budak botak tue leh berlakon Shaolin Master nanti..nak dek? uncle offer watak penting...hahaha..

  2. haha, he's sooooo cute.got dimples. uncle offer watak penting+bayaran lumayan, baru danial kate on!

  3. boleh2..xde hal..hehe..mak sedare xde komisen eh..mak kandung yo buleh...
