06 September 2011


Dear beloved friends,

I am engaged! All thank to Almighty. Another big step to go. Thank you all for the wishes, positive comments, and dua'.

p/s: Maaf lambat informed. Just a simple ceremony attended by relatives. Dear friends, thank you for the positive comments that you guys had sent. It means a lot to me. Thank you!


  1. wah...tahniah shida...akhirnya berdarah manis ;)

  2. Dear puteraduyong,

    I guess this is your first time here. terima ksih for such a sweet comment!

  3. Salam... Berdarah manis ni kekadang lebih sikit dugaannya, kena banyak bersabar & selalu berdoa supaya dikuatkan hati... moga kekal hingga ke jinjang pelamin & diberkatiNya... tahniah.

  4. Dear Pencinta Alam & Penciptanya ,

    Salam and terima kasih for the wish and advice! It has been a while. Hope you and your beloved family are in the pink of health. Saya cuba jaga diri and kuatkan hati. Dugaan akan ada. Again, thank you for such a supportive comment.

  5. salam..kak syida...congrats...=)
    moga Allah perkuatkan jodoh sis...

  6. Dear Miss Nadrah,

    Welcome here lil sis! I follow you! Thank you for the wish ^.^
