This is our story. Not related at all with whom who already dead nor alive. This is a tale of the goddess..whom shine upon this temporary world, whom desirably by all men, whom admirably by all women. The goddess themselves is talented and bless with skills possessed only by them, and within them they share their secret. In a paradised they lived. Hommy, cosy, and full of laughter. the goddess themselves has a leader called 'Goddess of Calmness'~
Goddess of calmness- She's d eldest and d leader of us. She's quite but she observed everything that happened within our paradise. She is our reference. She handle every probs very well. Calm and mature. our sis, jaja syaz~ *i need your advices on marriage,hee*
Goddess of Guardian- We would love to refer her as our mom. She can be fierce and lovely. Her cookin is undeniably delicious. she took a very good care of our house. and a warning, dont pick a fight with her if u not brave enough coz she is our guardian. the saviour and the leader of 'adult-world-topic', nolee~ *love ur straight to d point of oh yeah*
Goddess of Cuteness- She's sooo cute. Like a baby she is. With fair-red-tomato skin. She's quite and introvert, but she's smart. Like a shy princess, she's waitin devotedly for her prince charming. our cute baby face sis, dhiya~
Goddess of joyful- She's d youngest*only a month from me*. She bring joy to our house with her laugh, her stories, and her trademark word 'Boddo'*n im d one who alwaz got that word, but hey i fire back, nattang~* she's alwaz act innocent but hey we know her head is not dat pure*biruuuuu juge*
Goddess of Wisdom- She's intelligent,smart, and hardworking. She put her study beyond anything else. A very good daughter, a lovely sis to her siblings, and a very good fwen of mine. She's d innocent one in our house. her mind is pure, but tainted everyday with not so good stuff from me, nolee, n nadia. hey, u need to grow up*ngeeeee*
Goddess of the goddess- Muahahahahaha.whoelse, me of course.narcissist is good for ur health*sila muntah,tq*. I may not be kind enough to all of u, am just a normal human being*nens would not agree with this statement =p*. But im happy to have all of u in my life. we lived within d same house, we share the same bathroom, the same washing machine*ngeeee* and we share the same sweet moment. From d bottom of my heart, i love u all~

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