Untuk kenangan diri sendiri bila dah tua esok2~untuk tatapan anak cucu juge*memori zaman muda*

This is me with few close fwens. Efa, Ain, Ct, me, Ella, and Fik*Detol and arni were not in the picture* This pic was taken at Pantai Tok Jembal, Kuala Terengganu. Nice beach with full of rubbish. Lucky got Uni students there, so for social work, comittee just organized beach clean up for their annual activities. Talking about social work, me pernah kene tangkap kat dalam toilet sebab ponteng. siap amik nama kate nak bagi kat TNC. cik Ct pon ponteng juga tapi xkene sebab die bijak. along*senior* pon kene cekup tapi die xbagi nama. die fire balik student tu, ko pehal nak amik nama aku, nape ko plak yang kene amik. upe2 nya, yang amik nama tu pon kene cekup gak. kene cekup ngn owg besau UNI. so diowang ditugaskan mencari muka2 bersalah cam diowang kat hostel. cett, ingat MPP ke ape ke. cuak gak seposen. ciss~jujur sgt..
Dis is during Monsoon cup held at Pulau Duyung Kuala Terengganu*Ganu jek*. Time tu x r berangin sangat pon, lg syok cuci mata. cuci mata tgk art. ader art exhibition*my passion*. That's azie*D smartest person in our course*, pae*d DJ =p*, me, hanim, and Tirah*Ummi was not in the pic coz she's d one who took dis pic =p* Owh, Ummi! Congrates dapat baby! Huhu..me so jeles, she already married, me? huhuhuhuhuhu ma~nak kawen!

This is mybee, dux, me and Ummi. Sampling members, we share the same supervisor, Dr Jamilah. Ni geng sama2 berguling dalam lumpur. Owh, umi*white shawl*yang da dapat baby tu, rase cam da tua~ish2, me 24!not that old!*semangat utk diri sendiri =p* dux pon da kawen*one of my close male buddy* dulu agak allergic with boys, da lama tu ok sket. time first year, nampak je boys terus tunduk.. skang da pandai bersosial sket (^_^), ketawa pon da cam setan. haih, ape nak jadi la she ni~ =p
she? u admit it? gelak cam setan? adoiii..pitam..pitam...hahaha
ReplyDeleteha a. ak sgt takut kalo terlepas ketawa~haih.