When i was a kid, beach is my playground. Sometimes, i just sat there. Quietly. Most of the fishermen knew me since i grew up there. Some of them were already passed away, but memories with them always came flashing in my mind whenever i look at the beach. Memories of my grandfather, my kin, and my fathers's friends whom loved me like their own child. I love beach and will always do.
Man that i love kneel down on his kneel with a ring. Tears. Beach witness everything.

It was my birthday. A celebration at SR was really unexpected. A worker came with a cake and all of a sudden, a happy birthday song were played and sang by all the worker at SR. Tears. Thank you dear. And for the first time, i received red rose on my birthday. He hide it first, and slowly took it out. Shock! Again, it was at the beach.
For his birthday, i cook for him as requested. I made bento. I also bought a purple acoustic guitar as a present. To make it more special, i played a Happy Birthday song to him*learn from you tube*. Even more special, it was at the beach.

Selamat Hari Lahir Ahmad Lutfi Lukman. May Allah bless you. Be a great son, great lover k. I will always support u, hmmm except cycling from KL to KT*that one is still under consideration =p*, may u success in whatever you do, sihat2 sokmo*say no to belacan for d moment*, jgn tido lewat sokmo,take care of your heart, stay away from negativeness, and rajin2 lah main gitar*jgn sampai berhabuk and u vacuum it! (^_^)*
Dear, thank you for your deep deep love, thank you for everything. Lots of love from she ^.^
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