30 August 2012

Delay works, new and needed stuffs, and the power of touch

Delay works

As I wrote this piece, I was lingered with too many unfinished business. To be precised, delayed works. When I have too many works, I tend to do nothing about it. Never under estimated the power of doing nothing, especially when you are under a ton of pressure =p I have a wedding boutique's blog to edit, a manuscript for Botanical Linnean Society, thesis drafts for chapter 1, 2, and the-reeeeeeeee, a basket of clothing to wash, a basket of clothes to organize neatly, shop for home-groceries, wedding pictures to edit, a wedding card's blog to launch, merdeka celebration*I am a super patriotic person*, a husband to be pampered, and bla bla. See? I am buh-zeee. Ok, it is time to bury my head under a pillow. ZzzzZZZzzz.  

New stuffs

I bought a new handbag for casual activities, replacing my CR. I bought a new shawl too to match my blouse. I bought new bras to replace the old-vintage one. Dah azab. Serius azab. Talking about bra, I doubt you women out there know very well how to measure your size (girth and cup size). First, you need a measuring tape, and secondly just insert the numbers here at the bra size calculator. I used skiva before, but not really favor it. Now I used Audrey. In time, I may change it again. For panties, some prefer scarlet, because it is cheap and can use for long term. Hope this little info will help. Oh my, I forgot one thing. I bought all the stuffs using my husband's money. Nafkah katanya. Hihi.

Needed stuffs

I have too many needed stuffs, urgh. For the moment I really want the 'Asbabun nuzul quran' book which I surveyed earlier at MPH Bookstore. Owh and boxes too! Hubby, me need boxxxxeeessssssss~ boxes~ boxes~ boxes~*with background zombie's sounds*

The power of touch

For married couple only, did you know that soft touch (belaian lembut) before or after sleep, or when your partner is tired is reaaaaallllllly fun and passionate. Take time when your love one is going to sleep, touch their whole body. Slowly and softly. You can start from arms, chest, and legs. It works like a massage but in a different kind of taste.

Ok, that's it. Need to go for shopping this evening. May received guests this weekend, so need to cook them something delicious. Will update later!

1 comment:

  1. hoho. we missed the merdeka celebration :P And i also got tonnes of unfinished work! Haih! Raya fever~
