05 October 2011


These few days were daunting days to be counted. Failure in time management and can't find peace with my daily routine. Discipline is nowhere to be found. A messy life, yet in return it gave a huge impact on how life is not base on what you wish or want. Despite all those, it makes me bubbly when I manage to find some spare time browsing what I am inspired most. Art of course. Click on Peek A boo box on the right side of my blog. They give me joy and happiness. They brought me back to my childhood pieces of memories where I was eager to be an interior designer. I don't throw away boxes, remnants of fabrics, paper, bottles, and so forth. I collected them and stored them nicely in my room. I made pillows, frames, cards, and many more things with them. Check out the link below. Who knows you may find your inspirations too.




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