22 June 2012

Happy birthday to my 26-year-old self

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah, the Almighty and Selawat to prophet Muhammad s.a.w (peace be upon him).

I was born today. 26 years ago. Means I have lived for 26 years in this temporary world. I am married at 26, pursued for more knowledge at 26, and evolved to a true woman at 26. 26 is very dear to me in my heart. 

I showed my gratitude with a long prostration (sujud). I am grateful. I am grateful. I am indeed grateful for the past 26 years and the future that awaits me (InsyaAllah). I spent a long time on Sejadah thinking and muhasabah. After getting married, I was bestowed with peace and ease. And with those two in my hands, I felt closer to the Almighty. I felt lighter. My husband sense my changes too. A day before my 26th birthday, I asked him.."Is it too late to become a Hafizah? I think I can do it. If I start now and bless with longer life.." Hubby replied "Of course, start little by little, with a short surah". Nodded.

"Dear Allah, thank you for Islam, Iman, the world you had given me, and a man that you gave me so that I have a leader to guide me to Your way. I would like to express my gratitude by becoming a very good servant of You. Please guide me all the way" 

p/s: Husband, as you read this piece of mine, I want you to know that you are the best gift ever. Thank you for your sweet wishes and dua'. You complete me dear. My family, thank you for the calls and messages. It is so good to hear your voices even though you guys are far away from me. Distance is just a number. Friends, thank you for your messages and wishes at facebook. I love you guys so much.  

And 26, let me welcome you with my warm embrace. I welcome you 26 with my arms wide open. 


  1. sincerely loving u too hubby~

  2. sweet 26 she! moga Allh sentiasa merahmati kamu :)

    1. tq kak ila! semoga Allah merahmati kak Ila juge!
